The easiest way is to take an old 1.5 liter soda bottle and clean it well. Then add 1 or 2 little finger thicknesses of our product depending on the size of the dog and dilute with lukewarm water. This creates 1.5 liters of shampoo so that you can wash your pet very nicely. We also have special mixing bottles. This works the same: fill with product up to the mark and dilute with lukewarm water. Always shake before use.
Always wash the pet 2x. Wet the coat. For the first wash, use half of the shampoo mixture you have prepared and spread it evenly over your pet’s coat. Massage well and then rinse. Then use the rest of the shampoo mixture for the second wash, immediately after. Let it soak for a while (preferably 3-4 minutes, longer is allowed, shorter is no problem) and rinse well again.
You can dry the dog after washing, but you can also use a conditioner. You do this in the same way as with the shampoo: diluted. You can leave the conditioner in for a few minutes and then rinse well. But you can also leave it in the coat. If the temperature is above 20 degrees for a longer period of time, it forms nice protection. The coat will then become less dry and will also discolour less. You will not only have complete care, but also a UV filter. If a dog has a lot of tangles and you don’t want to punish the dog by having to comb a lot, you can also use a conditioner. Then put the dog in the bath with tangles. Tangles are easier to brush out afterwards. However, you will never get rid of felting in this way!
If you want to wash only a small part of the dog and not the whole dog, use distilled water, boiled water or bottled water instead of tap water. Then the diluted shampoo keeps longer. Tap water will smell after a week, distilled, boiled or bottled water will not bother you. This also applies to small dogs. That way you can use the diluted shampoo again at a later time (maximum 3 weeks).